Carlos Adames vs Hamzah Sheeraz

Boxing - Elite Boxing

  • Win

2/22/25 + 25 Bets

Carlos Adames

Hamzah Sheeraz

Fight Props

Method of Victory

Exact Method of Victory

Round Props

Round Betting (12 Rounds)

For settlement purposes, betting on rounds is for the fighter to win by KO, TKO or DQ in the specified round. If a boxer fails to emerge from their corner for the start of any round, the fight is deemed to have ended in the previous round.

Round Group Betting - (12 Rounds)

This market will be settled based on the fighter to win by KO, TKO or DQ in the specified group of rounds. If a boxer fails to emerge from their corner for the start of any round, the fight is deemed to have ended in the previous round.

Round Group Betting 2 - (12 Rounds)

This market will be settled based on the fighter to win by KO, TKO or DQ in the specified group of rounds. If a boxer fails to emerge from their corner for the start of any round, the fight is deemed to have ended in the previous round.

Round Group Betting 3 - (12 Rounds)

This market will be settled based on the fighter to win by KO, TKO or DQ in the specified group of rounds. If a boxer fails to emerge from their corner for the start of any round, the fight is deemed to have ended in the previous round.

Round Group Betting 4 - (12 Rounds)

This market will be settled based on the fighter to win by KO, TKO or DQ in the specified group of rounds. If a boxer fails to emerge from their corner for the start of any round, the fight is deemed to have ended in the previous round.

When Will the Fight End - (12 Rounds)

When Will the Fight End - Group Betting - (12 Rounds)

When Will the Fight End - Group Betting 2 - (12 Rounds)

When Will the Fight End - Group Betting 3 - (12 Rounds)

When Will the Fight End - Group Betting 4 - (12 Rounds)

Knockdown Props

Will Carlos Adames Score a Knockdown?

Will Hamzah Sheeraz Score a Knockdown?

Will Both Fighters Score a Knockdown?

Will Either Fighter Score a Knockdown?

Carlos Adames to be Knocked Down and Win

Hamzah Sheeraz to be Knocked Down and Win

Total Knockdowns

Total Knockdowns - Carlos Adames

Total Knockdowns - Hamzah Sheeraz

Round Knockdown Betting

Fighter to score a knockdown in the specified round

Punch Props

Most Punches Thrown

Most Punches Landed

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