Spread Tenerife Reggio Emilia -7.0 +115 -6.5 +105 -6.0 EVEN -5.5 -110 -4.5 -130 -4.0 -140 -3.5 -155 -3.0 -160 -2.5 -180 -2.0 -190 +7.0 -160 +6.5 -150 +6.0 -140 +5.5 -130 +4.5 -110 +4.0 EVEN +3.5 +110 +3.0 +115 +2.5 +125 +2.0 +135
Spread - First Half Tenerife Reggio Emilia -3.5 EVEN -3.0 -110 -2.0 -135 -1.5 -150 +3.5 -140 +3.0 -130 +2.0 -105 +1.5 +105
Spread - 1st Quarter Tenerife Reggio Emilia -7.5 +335 -5.5 +210 -3.5 +140 +0.5 -200 +3.5 -440 +4.5 -550 +7.5 -550 +5.5 -315 +3.5 -200 -0.5 +140 -3.5 +275 -4.5 +335
Total Points Over Under 155.0 155.5 156.0 156.5 157.0 157.5 158.5 159.0 159.5 160.0 -160 -155 -150 -140 -130 -125 -110 -105 EVEN +105 +115 +110 +105 EVEN -110 -115 -130 -135 -140 -150
Total Points - 1st Quarter Over Under 33.5 35.5 37.5 41.5 43.5 45.5 -550 -330 -205 +125 +190 +285 +335 +220 +145 -180 -280 -460
Winning Margin Show More Tenerife Reggio Emilia Tenerife Reggio Emilia Tenerife by 1-2 points +1000 Reggio Emilia by 1-2 points +1100 Tenerife by 3-6 points +450 Reggio Emilia by 3-6 points +650 Tenerife by 7-9 points +700 Reggio Emilia by 7-9 points +1200 Tenerife by 10-13 points +600 Reggio Emilia by 10-13 points +1400 Tenerife by 14-16 points +1000 Reggio Emilia by 14-16 points +2500 Tenerife by 17-20 points +1000 Reggio Emilia by 17-20 points +2500 Tenerife by 21 or more points +600 Reggio Emilia by 21 or more points +1500
Winning Margin - First Half Show More Tenerife Tie Reggio Emilia Tenerife Tie Reggio Emilia Tenerife by 1-3 points - 1H +550 Other - 1H +1400 Reggio Emilia by 1-3 points - 1H +600 Tenerife by 4-6 points - 1H +550 Reggio Emilia by 4-6 points - 1H +750 Tenerife by 7-9 points - 1H +650 Reggio Emilia by 7-9 points - 1H +1100 Tenerife by 10-12 points - 1H +800 Reggio Emilia by 10-12 points - 1H +1600 Tenerife by 13-15 points - 1H +1100 Reggio Emilia by 13-15 points - 1H +2500 Tenerife by 16 or more points - 1H +800 Reggio Emilia by 16 or more points - 1H +2500
Winning Margin - 1st Quarter Show More Tenerife Tie Reggio Emilia Tenerife Tie Reggio Emilia Tenerife by 1-2 points - 1Q +600 Other - 1Q +1100 Reggio Emilia by 1-2 points - 1Q +650 Tenerife by 3-4 points - 1Q +650 Reggio Emilia by 3-4 points - 1Q +800 Tenerife by 5-6 points - 1Q +700 Reggio Emilia by 5-6 points - 1Q +1000 Tenerife by 7-8 points - 1Q +900 Reggio Emilia by 7-8 points - 1Q +1400 Tenerife by 9-10 points - 1Q +1200 Reggio Emilia by 9-10 points - 1Q +2000 Tenerife by 11 or more points - 1Q +700 Reggio Emilia by 11 or more points - 1Q +1600
Highest Scoring Quarter First Quarter +275 Second Quarter +350 Third Quarter +325 Fourth Quarter +200 Two or More Quarters to have equal highest score +1100
Half Time / Full Time Show More Tenerife - Tenerife -121 Tenerife - Reggio Emilia +800 Tie - Tenerife +2000 Tie - Reggio Emilia +3300 Reggio Emilia - Tenerife +550 Reggio Emilia - Reggio Emilia +275
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